Antibacterial Paper

Edofiber is proud to blend tradition with innovation. There is no better example of this than the unique manufacturing method Edofiber uses in producing antibacterial paper. Antibacterial paper has many useful applications in today’s modern world. Antibacterial paper infuses germ-fighting properties deep within the fibers of paper to help reduce the spread of bacteria and other infectious elements. Our unique antimicrobial paper is used in producing a wide variety of paper products, such as Japanese file folders, Washi paper, and other Japanese office supplies.

Antibacterial Paper Supplier

Antibacterial paper is a modern innovation that we are now pleased to support at Edofiber with our latest innovation in our manufacturing process. This new paper is superior to other brands of antibacterial paper due to the unique method of manufacturing as well as the qualities of Japanese Washi paper that is used as our base material. Antibacterial paper has many applications for use in businesses and commercial enterprises that are concerned with the spread of germs and microbes. Dentists, medical offices, hospitals, schools, and any workplace where minimizing transmissible contact is desired.

The antibacterial paper that Edofiber produces is made using a proprietary manufacturing process that coats the surface of the paper with antibacterial compounds. We use a unique process during manufacture that treats the paper with an antibacterial varnish that kills 99.99% of microorganisms under indoor lighting conditions. Our antibacterial varnish requires no harmful UV radiation, only light from the visible spectrum. This process allows us to achieve antibacterial properties that far outlast other antibacterial paper that is on the market. Our treatment works on dry surfaces, has a controllable efficiency that depends upon light intensity, does not contain silver or other toxic biocides, and does not produce odors or aerosols into the environment.

At Edofiber, our legacy is rooted in the traditional Japanese methods of producing Washi paper. Washi is extremely durable and long-lasting due to the unique qualities of Washi itself: it is made from the fibers derived from the kozo, gampi, and mitsumata shrubs. In the case of Western paper, Western paper is made from the wood pulp of trees. The base material of wood pulp contains much shorter fibers than Washi paper. The longer fibers of Washi paper enables the Washi fibers to bind together and create much stronger and durable bonds. The antibacterial qualities that Edofiber adds to the way we manufacture our antibacterial papers enables these compounds to be embedded deep within the fibers of the paper itself. This extends the antibacterial life span of our paper much further than typical Western paper products. Another benefit of of using Washi paper as the base manufacturing material is that Washi paper’s long fibers make for a much more luxurious feel, with very long-lasting quality. Traditional Japanese Washi paper holds up to bending and folding because of the long fibers of the gampi and misumata shrubs, making our antibacterial paper a highly durable, luxurious, and long-lasting paper, even for the most high-volume offices and situations.

Edofiber’s antibacterial paper is made from materials that are manufactured within the requirements of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). These environmental standards were developed by the United Nations as part of the world’s sustainability goals. We are proud to adhere to the standards set by the FSC and are among the few companies worldwide to have achieved FSC certification for our use of environmentally friendly paper manufacturing methods.

Japanese File Folders, Plain

Our Japanese file folders are available as plain paper products that are ready for you to use in your office and workplace as is, or suitable for printing either at home, office, or commercially.

Antibacterial Japanese File Folders – Plain

  • Color: white or ivory
  • Size: US Letter (8.5 x 11.0 inches) or A4 (210 x 297 mm)
  • Price: $0.58 USD per file
  • MOQ: 100 per color

Japanese File Folders, Custom Printed

Custom-printed file folders are available to carry your branding and message on antibacterial Washi paper. Optionally, these folders are also available with rounded corners.

Antibacterial File Folders – Custom Printed

  • Color: white or ivory printed with your design
  • Size: US Letter (8.5 x 11.0 inches) or A4 (210 x 297 mm)
  • Price: $0.90 USD per file (printing and proofing fees not included)
  • MOQ: 1,000 per design

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