Innovative Antimicrobial Paper for Office Supplies

Innovative Antimicrobial Paper for Office Supplies

The subject of combatting germs in public settings like schools, office buildings, and restaurants lead the globe in 2020. Unfortunately, that’s unlikely to change as the crisis continues, making more people seek new solutions and approaches to reduce germs, bacteria, and the spread of infection.

Antibacterial Washi paper is an innovative solution that marries centuries-old tradition with modern-day germ-fighting technology.

What Is Washi Paper?

Few printing materials have ever earned the stellar reputation of Washi. That’s because this traditional Japanese paper has distinct advantages not possessed by alternatives.

  • Washi paper derives from sustainable natural resources.
  • Washi is more durable than alternatives.
  • The end product is well-suited for a variety of printing methods and makes a dramatic presentation.

These benefits fuel the global interest in Washi paper office supplies, which continues to grow in popularity. The most recent innovation to Washi is Edofiber introducing an antibacterial agent that is long-lasting and slows germs’ spread.

The use of Washi is culturally essential for the Japanese. Working with Washi paper is a UNESCO-registered Japanese craft due to its enormous impact on local culture. The durable and aesthetically appealing nature of Washi paper is the reason it rose so high in eminence. Many Japanese crafts and arts, which rely on pen and paper, feature Washi paper due to its high-quality presentation.

Why Is Washi Popular for Offices?

Washi, which once saw usage mainly in Japan, is now gaining ground in markets like the United Kingdom and the United States. Office managers there are learning what their Japanese counterparts have long known. Washi paper is environmentally-friendly, durable, and looks fantastic.

Washi paper products are ideal for presentations due to their beauty. Custom printing services help expand the possibilities to include company branding and corporate messaging. For businesses that care about their image, using this paper is appealing.

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How Can Washi Antibacterial Paper Help My Business?

Adding antibacterial Washi paper office supplies is a wise decision for any enterprise because it helps fight bacterial spread while being environmentally sustainable. Paper file folders go through multiple hands, so applying an antibacterial agent protects employees. Edofiber’s file folders not only hold aesthetic appeal but they’re also exceptionally long-lasting.

For companies that sell office supplies, adding antibacterial Washi paper file folders is a straightforward way to increase revenues and market share with clients who appreciate high-quality and innovation. It’s an excellent way to introduce your business to new potential clients who may be looking for new solutions.

Right now, office managers are seeking office supplies that cut down on germ spread, and that’s where antibacterial file folders enter. Paper archives are useful for many enterprises, and fighting germs is now a top priority. Antibacterial file folders empower these companies to maintain their filing systems positively.

What Makes Edofiber’s Antibacterial Paper File Folders Different From Alternatives?

Edofiber produces Washi paper file folders with an antibacterial agent they infuse directly into the raw materials before paper production begins. That way, its effects are longer lasting than alternatives, which spray the substance on during the last stage of the production process.

Edofiber maintains an environmentally sustainable mindset that makes our products unique. We use non-wood paper and recycled vegetable ink to produce spectacular paper products that set standards. Thanks to our commitment to Washi paper, we’re the world’s only Forest Stewardship Council certified paper manufacturers.

Why Is Washi Paper Good for Forest Health?

Using Washi paper in place of wood-based paper products reduces stress on the world’s overburdened forests. Washi paper comes from three primary sources, the inner bark fibers of the Mitsumata shrub, the Gampi tree, or the Paper Mulberry bush. These raw materials grow on fields in Japan, not in the forest. Edofiber, as an FSC-Certified paper manufacturer, goes one step further to ensure that they don’t use forest-sourced materials during any production phase.

Why Is FSC Certification Crucial for Paper Manufacturers?

Standard wood-based paper manufacturers put enormous stress on the world’s forests. This adverse impact is significant because of the role forests play in the lives of nearly one billion people worldwide. The world loses seven million hectares of forest every day, which brings a myriad of problems with it. That’s the reason that paper producers need to commit to sustainability, like Edofiber. Doing so will immediately improve the lives of people and animals who rely on forests to thrive.

The COVID-19 Pain Point Continues to Grow

Businesses worldwide continue to introduce initiatives to slow down the transmission of virii and germs in the workplace. OHSA has introduced Workplace Guidelines for companies to improve worker safety. Companies are beginning to address nearly all aspects of their operations to ensure the best policies. Adding antibacterial paper file folders is another fantastic way to improve the workplace, especially at companies that maintain significant paper folder archives. These enterprises will want to take every step possible to ensure compliance in every department.

Edofiber Combines Tradition With Innovation

Paper office supplies continue to be a mainstay for numerous companies and organizations. So many of the products look the same and have almost identical features. Edofiber’s Washi paper products are distinctive and stand out from competitors thanks to tradition and innovation. Contact us to learn about our products. We’re always looking for global partners who want to expand the diversity of their offerings rapidly.

Office supplies remain a staple for record-keeping organizations. The need for antibacterial versions of popular products will skyrocket as companies continue to fight the spread of Covid-19. Awareness about spreading germs has never been higher, so it’s an excellent time to help customers secure their workplaces. The stakes are high, and most businesses are committed to using best practices to allow their operations to remain open.

Edofiber has been producing Washi paper for decades and has perfected the manufacturing process while staying true to delivering the qualities that made it famous. Remaining loyal to sustainable manufacturing processes while maintaining the highest quality standards keeps the best Japanese paper products coming. Antibacterial Washi paper office supplies promise to open even more doors to companies who want to experience the difference.

Discover the Benefits of Washi Office Supplies

Discover the Benefits of Washi Office Supplies

When stocking your office, you’ll find office supplies ranging from low-quality through the top shelf, with every other level in between. The reason for this wide range of products is to appeal to a broad market of buyers. Every individual values them differently. For some, they’re happy with the least expensive alternatives to keep expenses low. They’ll settle for a worse product that doesn’t last as long.

However, many other enterprises are aware that sourcing higher quality office supplies is worth the added effort and small expense. Found at the top are Washi office supplies, with a longstanding tradition of eco-friendly manufacturing processes. Washi supplies are known for their aesthetic appeal and durability, a perfect combination of value.

What Makes Washi Paper So Good?

Long favored by Japanese royals for their official communications, Washi achieved almost legendary status in Japan.

Washi is environmentally friendly because it comes primarily from the Mitsumata shrub and the Kozo shrub, cultivars, and the Gampi plant, which grows aggressively in the wild. The means of production and the base resource material give Washi its distinctive features, and the paper excels for many uses.

Washi is useful for producing a wide range of office supplies, including:

  • Envelopes
  • Digital Printing Paper
  • File Folders
  • Scrapbook Design Paper

Edofiber, as a leading manufacturer of Washi paper products, has perfected making large amounts of Washi at an affordable price. Office supplies are a high-demand product, and the traditional ways of making Washi paper and supplies by hand are difficult to scale. However, after one hundred years in the business, the company manufactures Washi paper supplies to meet the standards of excellence that customers demand.

The Japanese people and government consider the Washi paper to be a national cultural treasure. It’s a source of pride because it has proven itself a medium for simple office communications and legitimate artworks for centuries.

That fact is unlikely to change anytime soon, and new markets have yet to learn about this remarkable product. Office supplies continue to evolve to meet consumers’ needs, and Washi paper products promise to lead the way.

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Antibacterial Washi Paper File Folders Are a Timely Solution

The global Coronavirus pandemic has taught businesses the value of maintaining hygienic offices. The risk of infection for employees rises when hygiene habits get overlooked. Most companies now realize that they can’t have oversights if they plan to manage a healthy workplace. For businesses in search of solutions that increase hygiene and reduce the spread of bacteria, the state of the art antibacterial file folders offered by Edofiber is an excellent solution.

Capitalize on New Trends

Antibacterial Washi paper file folders are a leading new product line available to office supply sellers seeking new revenue streams. The pandemic has changed how many people perceive safety and cleanliness in the workplace, and companies are setting new standards to ensure worker safety. When you combine those factors, it’s ideal to approach customers with an innovative offering that addresses a far-reaching problem.

Companies that sell office supplies must continuously refresh their vendors and inventory. Adding new product lines such as Washi paper supplies extends your offerings to target customers searching for groundbreaking products. Washi paper has gained an international reputation, and with an impressive history, it virtually sells itself. High quality, sustainable manufacturing processes make it appealing to people and corporate executives who are environmentally conscious. Add all of these factors to the beauty and durability these products offer, and you see why this new line has the potential to become your latest bestseller.

Edofiber has been a leader in the Washi paper industry for decades. The company is proud to offer leading office supplies produced using innovative manufacturing processes. Washi paper made the Edofiber way uses sustainable methods, ensuring high-grade office supplies that last. That commitment to excellence is the reason customers love their products. If you’re looking to add to your existing office supply offerings, contact us for more partnership information.

Antibacterial Washi Paper Is a Leap Forward for Office Safety

From now on, most workplace managers will be emphasizing safety. Their workers and clients want to know that they’re dealing with an operation that pays strict adherence to health principles and guidelines. Antibacterial paper products fill that need and will grow in popularity. Edofiber’s technique differs from competitors who merely spray on an agent after they make their paper. Instead, Edofiber infuses the antibacterial agent directly into the raw materials, giving it a much longer life.

Massive enterprises that rely on paper filing systems purchase enormous amounts of file folders. Now’s the time to approach them with the merits of Washi supplies. Adding antibacterial file folders is smart and will reduce the spread of germs and bacteria in the environment. As part of an overall approach to bring down the transmission of infections, that is no small measure.

Custom File Folders Are Excellent for Branding

Custom file folders are also an excellent product. Most enterprises understand branding’s power, so adding custom graphics and logos to their office supplies helps with branding efforts. Edofiber has a wide range of options for printing on Washi paper, including the following.

  • Thin Paper Printing
  • Letterpress Printing
  • High-definition Printing
  • Laminate
  • Seal Printing

Edofiber can fulfill custom orders, no matter how large. Paper supplies continue to be crucial for many enterprises, especially those requiring paper archives of their cloud-based documents.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint With Washi Paper

Another notable advantage of paper products by Edofiber is that they are environmentally friendly. Edofiber is the first Forest Stewardship Council certified Washi makers in the world. The remarkable thing about Washi is that the raw materials come from shrubs, which are grown in fields and not in forests. Gaining the FSC certification ensures that all production methods and sourced materials are sustainable. Forest ecosystems don’t get negatively impacted.

With everything going on globally, now is the best time to explore the value that Washi paper office supplies offer.

As a partner, you have access to groundbreaking products that are sanitary, attractive, and durable. Paper products by Edofiber give you a competitive edge as a sales partner. Contact us today for more information.

Japanese Office Supplies Combine Tradition With Innovation

Japanese Office Supplies Combine Tradition With Innovation

Japan is a country recognized for honoring traditions. Unlike other cultures, the Japanese aren’t always looking for the newest and shiniest thing. Instead, they prefer to refine their work to the point of perfection. That attention to detail and long-term advancements are the primary reason why the demand for Japanese paper supplies is growing worldwide.

In Japan, handwriting has always been a highly valued art form. That’s been the case for over one thousand years, and the love of perfect penmanship translates into a broad appeal for the highest quality paper to showcase creative work. This built-in demand for the best quality paper products pushes Japanese paper manufacturers to set the highest standards.

Japanese paper supplies have several advantages. First, the product uses the best raw materials for superior quality. Additionally, stunning design and durable binding make the final presentation of any work completed look professional and polished. Japanese consumers, especially those in the business sector, pay special attention to all these crucial details. Japanese office supply manufacturers like Edofiber strive to keep in step with trending demands in the marketplace.

Office suppliers and sales organizations can benefit from adding Japan’s world-famous office supplies to their product offerings. These products meet the scrutiny of clients who demand durability and aesthetic appeal when deciding their purchase. Business enterprises that keep and rely on paper files and documents need a reliable source of office supplies, including file folders and stationery, which creates the perfect sales call opportunity for vendors looking to reach new clients.

Tradition Is Made Better by Innovation

Since Japanese office supply customers have high standards, the leading manufacturers must continue to innovate to satisfy their requests. Although following established traditions is essential, it’s equally crucial to innovate and develop unique spins on current, top-selling products. Edofiber understands this requirement and continues to not only make products that are of traditional high-quality, but they go one step further innovating to make them even better.

An example of this technique is the antibacterial Washi paper file folders the company offers. Edofiber infuses the raw materials with a powerful antibacterial agent. Most of their competitors instead add the agent to the final product. The way Edofiber does it is unique and offers the distinct advantage of making the germ-fighting properties much longer-lasting.

Custom Printed Paper Office Supplies Provide Top Value

Custom printing is always popular for office supplies is custom printing. Whether it’s for simple branding or more complicated artistic efforts, adding ink to Washi paper results in a polished, beautiful presentation. Consumers everywhere on earth value and appreciate products that add value, and that’s one reason the demand for Washi never wains.

Not surprisingly, based on the commitment to excellence in paper production, Japan is the world’s third-leading supplier of office products by volume. Edofiber has a long history as a paper manufacturer in that country, dating back nearly one hundred years. The first part of the company’s name originates from Tokyo, which was once called Edo. Fiber naturally refers to the raw materials that make Washi so strong.

With so many years in business, the company began to expand to overseas locations, including the United States and the United Kingdom. As more customers learn about Japanese office supplies‘ advantages and benefits, they’re becoming a staple in those essential consumer markets.

Edofiber continues to rely on demanding customers’ feedback to create compelling paper products for their needs. Working with international vendors and sales teams, the company has helped provide offices and companies in these territories with their high-quality paper products and office supplies. Vendors who partner with Edofiber get the opportunity to offer exciting, innovative, and eco-friendly office supplies to their clients, helping them to establish a promising new revenue stream.

With a track record of selling in other markets, new partners in the US and UK can move ahead with a pitch for their most demanding customers to introduce them to Japan’s best office products.

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Consider Why Washi Paper Is Still So Popular

Very few office supply products have an over eleven hundred year history like Washi paper. For all that time, Washi has been revered by people for its beauty and craftsmanship. It’s an extremely durable paper and one that’s well-suited for print. Crisp images and text add to branding elements and the overall appeal, ensuring it exudes Washi quality.

Edofiber is one of Japan’s largest Washi manufacturers and the first-ever Forest Stewardship Council certified paper manufacturer. This designation is noteworthy because paper production is one of the leading causes of forest decline. Companies that uphold the Forest Stewardship Council’s standards do their part to reduce their carbon footprint and other negative impacts on the environment.

Office Supplies From Japan Have High Demand

Office supplies made in Japan hold a large market share due to total customer satisfaction and meeting the highest standards. Edofiber takes those principles and builds upon them further, adding innovation, environmental consciousness, and a commitment to quality. We’re seeking partnerships with vendors who want to expand their product lines, so contact us now if you’re interested.

Ever since Nagai Shigyo Co., Ltd., our parent company, first mechanized the Washi paper production process, we have sought to expand global market share through partnerships. The ambition to continue to bring Washi in line with current times through unveiling and upgrading techniques continues to yield results. As long as consumers seek new innovative products, there will always be new areas to explore, especially for time-tested products like Washi paper.

Japanese paper and office supplies uphold a well-deserved reputation in business circles. Since Washi paper is intertwined in Japan’s natural culture and makes people proud, it ranks highly with all who use it. Durability and beauty only add to the reasons it’s a worthwhile investment for business operations.

Paper Office Supplies Remain a Stalwart

Office supplies, including paper file folders, are useful for keeping an offline archive of their critical files. Even if the industry you’re in doesn’t require them, it’s advantageous to augment digital and cloud storage solutions.

But the issue with traditional paper is it requires fresh trees and timber for production. Without sustainable manufacturing, the planet is at risk.

The longstanding Japanese tradition of making sustainable and eco-friendly office supplies continues. Our spirit of innovation, combined with a commitment to excellence, provides international sales partners with groundbreaking new products to grow your lines and revenue streams.

What Are Japanese File Folders and Why Are They Better Than Traditional Office Supplies?

What Are Japanese File Folders and Why Are They Better Than Traditional Office Supplies?

Japanese file folders are ideal for offices that require durable, aesthetically-pleasing, and functional folders for their filing systems.

File folders are invaluable when organizing records. Unlike average, run of the mill file folders, Japanese file folders embrace a long tradition of excellence, including special care when sourcing the materials. Washi paper sets a higher standard among paper products because of its durability and inherent beauty. Companies worldwide are discovering the value for themselves by adding Japanese file folders to their product offerings.

Antibacterial Japanese File Folders Defend Against Germs

Since the Covid-19 pandemic rose to the forefront of public consciousness, companies are looking for ways to reduce bacterial counts whenever possible. Treating paper with antibacterial protection is always a sound idea, and the methodologies Edofiber uses with their Washi paper is groundbreaking. Instead of applying an antibacterial solution in the last step of the manufacturing process, they infuse these antibacterial properties directly in the paper product.

Edofiber has developed a top reputation as a result of dedication to craft and innovation. Their new antibacterial Washi paper is one shining example of their modernism that empowers companies to provide a cleaner, safer alternative to traditional file folders. Employees want assurance that their employers provide and maintain safe work and business environments. Using antibacterial Washi paper file folders makes a bold declaration of commitment to hygiene, in addition to providing a host of other benefits.

Responsible Forest Stewardship Matters

Edofiber is one of the only international paper manufacturers that is Forest Service Council certified for following the strictest environmental practices. That’s a compelling designation that confirms the company supports sustainable manufacturing processes that help forest ecosystems prosper. Globally, millions of lifeforms call forests their home, and humans depend on the resources for various reasons. FSC-Certified manufacturers remain committed to manufacturing techniques that help forests flourish.

Woodlands play a vital role in the health and balance of the environment. For forest resources to thrive for generations to come, sustainable growth and harvest methodologies must get enforced. To preserve these natural resources, FSC-Certification helps teach companies the procedures they must use. These procedures ensure that all companies throughout the supply chain use sustainable production methods during all production stages, from sourcing to shipping.

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Washi Paper Continues to Lead the Way

Washi paper has a luxurious feel due in part to the unique raw materials it uses. They aren’t wood-based paper products. With this premium paper material, a variety of printing processes, and many colors, there are few limits to the fine Washi paper’s look and feel.

Upgraded Paper File Document Storage

When you need to get your paperwork and documents sorted, Washi Paper Files are an elegant and durable solution. Here are some suggestions for keeping files organized.

  • Color coding: Color-coding systems help to keep your files in order. For success, anyone who accesses it should understand the color coding and follow it consistently. Consider using colored labels or different colored file folders, whichever best suits your purpose.
  • Label making: Modern label makers allow you to affix descriptive labels to folders and storage systems. For extra-complex systems, clear and easy to read labels are straightforward for everyone. Self-created tags make sure that your file folders are always neat and organized.
  • Careful categorizing: Creating a sensible categorization system is always a top priority for a filing system. Knowing which papers go where with a glance means you’ll rarely if ever, misfile something important. It pays to be thoughtful upfront, but you may always add additional subcategories when your needs grow.

At the core of any of these strategies, it makes sense to use file folders that last. Washi paper is perfect for that purpose because traditional Japanese paper is known for its unparalleled beauty, strength, and quality. The products’ source is the fibers collected from the Misumata Shrub, the Mulberry Bush, Hemp, Rice, Bamboo, and the Gampi Tree. Up until the early twentieth century, Washi was available almost exclusively in Japan. Over the years, it became nearly synonymous with Japanese quality, and Edofiber upholds the tradition.

Edofiber offers antibacterial Japanese file folders using state of the art manufacturing techniques. They use vegetable oil ink and bamboo pulp to create an array of eye-catching colors using the traditional Tesuki washing production strategies.

Choose to Offer the Best Paper File Folders

We meet the demands of industrial customers using a variety of printing processes. No matter the order size, our experienced team can deliver the perfect product. Experience the quality of Japanese file folders made by a manufacturer with over one hundred years of experience. File folders are always in demand, and many large organizations and enterprises rely on paper records to keep track of paperwork.

The antibacterial treatment is not topical or surface-coated; instead, it’s embedded deep within the Washi paper’s fibers. The antibacterial benefits last much longer than surface-treated paper products. For customers who want a quality presentation and long-lasting antibacterial properties, this is an irresistible selling point. Clients reap the benefits of better organization and presentation using Washi file folders.

More than ever, companies are concerned about hygiene in the workplace. When multiple people touch the folders, the risk for passing germs increases, that’s why antibacterial folders are sensible. These folders reduce the risk of transmission while improving peace of mind. Organizations that value their worker’s safety are positioning themselves as leaders.

File systems will continue to be integral for organizations, both for homes and offices. People’s needs to store receipts, titles, insurance policies, and other documents have changed very little over the years. For health-conscious people, antibacterial file folders help support their lifestyle. Not only do antibacterial folders keep everything in its place, but they also keep bacteria at bay.

Edofiber is an international manufacturer and distributor of Japanese file folders and other high-quality office supplies. Edofiber is seeking business opportunities with distributors and suppliers worldwide. If you’re looking to add high-quality, in-demand products to your roster, contact us today.

Our extensive line enhances your offerings, providing you with groundbreaking new ways to grow revenues. Reliable products make for happy customers, and our traditional Japanese file folders keep people coming back for more.

Japanese Office Supplies Earn Their Reputation for Quality and Beauty

Japanese Office Supplies Earn Their Reputation for Quality and Beauty

Products made by Japanese manufactures have earned a global reputation for reliability, precision, and durability. It took decades of consistent production to reach that pinnacle, and now people order with confidence.

Japanese office supplies are gaining popularity worldwide with people who appreciate aesthetics and their durable nature. Washi paper and other stationary types hold high esteem due to their adherence to traditional manufacturing processes.

Japanese stationery is garnering interest from people well outside of its traditional sphere of influence. As modern consumers become more interested in planners, calligraphy, study tools, and journaling, it’s no surprise they run directly into the proud Japanese tradition of producing stellar stationery and office supplies. Japan became famous for its paper products because of the processes they follow when manufacturing Washi. This variety of paper products is a durable and beautiful final product ideal for use and presentation.

Fine Paper Is the Result of Attention to Detail

Japanese stationery leads the way because of its excellent quality. With a thoughtful and inspiring design, customers who demand the highest quality when putting pen to paper, washi paper rises to the occasion every time. A craftsman is sure to appreciate the fruit of their work when working with Washi paper.

As it relates to manufacturing, it takes committed teams of engineers and designers scrutinizing every last detail to produce reliable, attractive, and worthwhile products.

Japanese Traditional Paper Manufacturing Respects Writing as Art

The art of Japanese calligraphy taught generations of people high standards for writing in Japan. Washi paper helps artists adhere to their demands for superior paper products. Washi paper products are gorgeous and very durable, making them ideal for saving drawings and written documents. Japanese traditions have always shown respect for penmanship, even elevating it to an art form. Making beautiful calligraphy, or “shodo,” requires an admiration for detail and craft.

Writing and record keeping remain essential tasks for millions of people. Although most people complete a great deal of work on computers and handheld devices, many love the feel of pen and paper. Washi paper products, including file folders and stationery, give people a natural canvas for making prints or showcasing their work.

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Edofiber Supports Forest Preservation Using Sustainable Strategies

Edofiber is a highly regarded Japanese paper manufacturer with over one hundred years of experience bringing the best products to customers. They hold the highest honor of being one of the only international paper manufactures which have received Forest Service Council certifications. The company rigorously adheres to a set of detailed environmentally-friendly practices to help preserve these natural resources for the immediate future and future generations.

Over eighty percent of the Earth’s land animals and plants live in forests, which cover thirty-one percent of the world’s land area. Perhaps most dramatically of all, over 1.6 billion people rely on forests for their livelihood or survival. That’s why proper stewardship of forest resources, especially by paper manufacturers, is so important.

Consumers who value eco-friendly products and sustainability are sensible to do business with companies that share these values. The forest needs a commitment from everyone in the product value chain to ensure production principles that support a thriving planet. Edofiber is proud of its dedication to FSC principles and the eco-friendly products the company produces.

Washi Paper Continues to Lead the Way

Washi paper has several advantages, including adding a luxurious feel to office supplies, setting them apart from ordinary files. One of Washi’s most distinguishing features is the raw materials used to create the product, including fibers from Hemp, Bamboo, Rice, the Mulberry Bush, the Gampi Tree, or the Misumata Shrub.

Standard paper products rely on natural resources derived from wood for production. Additionally, they don’t aren’t as durable or beautiful as Washi. That’s one reason why office suppliers choose to sell these compelling products. Edofiber, a company that has long been a leader in developing innovative new products, has recently added antibacterial Washi paper to its offerings.

This product introduction comes at an interesting time, as the global Covid-19 pandemic has spotlighted the need for taking more care with hygiene, particularly in office or public environments.

Long-Lasting Antibacterial Paper File Folders Are in Demand

Edofiber’s antibacterial implementation is an excellent innovation because it’s doesn’t use a surface-coating or topical treatment like most alternatives. Instead, the antibacterial properties get embedded deeply into the Washi paper fibers. That’s advantageous for end users because the antibacterial benefits last much longer than a surface treatment.

Health experts have recommended that all offices conduct risk assessments concerning COVID-19. Part of such an audit would involve tracking any business practice that could increase the risk and spread of infection. Although paper products and file folders may not immediately come to mind, there are few valid reasons companies would ignore the benefit of upgrading their filing system with antibacterial Washi filing folders.

Employees and management agree that taking steps to keep everyone safe is a top priority. In addition to regular hand-washing, using paper file folders with antibacterial treatment is a sound practice. It not only decreases the likelihood of passing viruses and germs, but it gives your team peace of mind when handling documents and records.

Grow Revenues Selling Antibacterial Paper Products

For companies looking for additional ways to sell office supplies, the antibacterial paper is a must. It empowers your sales team to find new customers who are most concerned about the health and welfare of their employees, customers, and on-site visitors.

Edofiber is a leading international manufacturer and distributor of Japanese file folders and Japanese office supplies. Edofiber is seeking business opportunities with distributors and suppliers worldwide who need new products to remain competitive in an ever-changing marketplace. Customers want attractive and long-lasting paper products, and they’ll remain loyal when the quality is high.

Now’s an excellent time to add paper products to your office supply business. Japanese office supplies are a unique product that gives you a competitive edge. Treat your clients to innovative, world-class quality paper products manufactured with care. No matter what type of Washi product you need, our experienced team is happy to help with custom printing or large runs of file folders.

What Are The Unique Features Of Japanese File Folders

What Are The Unique Features Of Japanese File Folders?

Whether you’re making an effort to improve your organizational measures at home or in your office, it’s crucial to choose the best file folders for the project. By doing so, you can help ensure that all the meticulous work you put into sorting your documents helps to stand against the test of time.

For this reason, more people than ever before are choosing Japanese file folders for their paper document sorting and storage needs. While you might get tempted to settle for standard file folders to handle your essential paperwork, we’ll discuss some of the unique features of Japanese file folders that make them worth the investment.


Unlike traditional file – or manila – paper folders made from wood-sourced paper, Japanese file folders get made from the pulp of Mitsumata, Kozo, and Wild Gampi shrubs.

The loss of trees and forests is a grave threat to our world’s future, especially to all the species and wildlife that call these habitats their home.

Here are some of the most significant reasons for the loss of trees and forests in the modern era:

  • Wood extraction
  • Agricultural expansions
  • Mining
  • Dam construction
  • Cattle breeding
  • Oil extraction
  • Infrastructure development
  • Forest or wildfires
  • Disease
  • Weather events

According to National Geographic data, they estimate the globe lost 1.3 million square kilometers of the forest from 1990 through 2016. Currently, forests cover about 30% of the planet’s landmass; however, these natural resources are disappearing at a frightening pace.

Edofiber is the first worldwide Washi maker to get certified and awarded the Forest Stewardship Council. The company has achieved 40 targets under the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for worldwide forest management, preserving these environments through consistent, sustainable, and eco-friendly operations.

By choosing file folders that have less impact on the environment, you’re doing your part to live your life or run your business more sustainably.

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Japanese file folders made from washi paper are known and prized for their durability and luxurious texture.

The long fibers and woody pulp of the Mitsumata, Kozo, and Wild Gampi shrubs create a strong bond that makes them ideal for multiple applications, including long-term and short-term storage or daily use.

In business or corporate use cases, they are ideal for keeping essential paper records, including contracts, receipts, client or patient information, employee records, tax records, and legal documents.

Their strength and flexibility can keep a significant amount of records without tearing, ripping, or bursting at the seams.

When you have a large amount of paperwork to keep in an organized manner, you’ll be happy that you chose high-quality file folders. Especially since mass-marketed, cheap manila folders often can’t withstand the rigors of frequent handling or long-term storage. You can worry less about the folder getting damaged and potentially dropping the contents all over the place.

Antibacterial Properties

When people are more aware of the threats of bacteria and germs, antibacterial Japanese file folders from Edofiber get produced using a groundbreaking manufacturing process.

Unlike many mass-produced antibacterial file folders available on the market that apply a chemical treatment to the folder surfaces, Edofiber integrates antibacterial enzymes in the manufacturing process. These enzymes get directly embedded within the paper, ensuring they retain the antibacterial properties of the washi paper for longer than other competing products in the same category.

Sensible use case scenarios for storing paper records in antibacterial file folders include:

  • Professional presentions
  • Health clinics
  • Dentist offices
  • Doctor offices
  • Hospitals and healthcare facilities
  • Legal offices
  • Courthouses
  • Substance abuse treatment centers
  • Manufacturing facilities
  • Shipping and receiving departments
  • Administrative recordkeeping
  • Archival recordkeeping

It’s worth noting that companies should keep essential paper documents for no less than seven years as a practice. For businesses that rely heavily on paperwork to keep their company operating smoothly, this could represent a significant amount of paperwork to sort and store!

In personal use cases, antibacterial file folders are terrific for storing essential paperwork such as:

  • Property deeds
  • Vehicle titles
  • Loan documents
  • Product warranties
  • Product user manuals
  • Vital records, including birth, marriage, or death certificates
  • Veterinary records for pets
  • Registration paperwork
  • Social security documents
  • Insurance documents
  • Banking information
  • Medical records
  • Tax records
  • Resumes and cover letters
  • Divorce decrees
  • Report cards
  • Photographs
  • Research papers
  • Necessary letters or correspondences
  • Children’s keepsakes

Whether you choose antibacterial file folders for personal or professional use, you’re taking steps to safeguard against the spread of bacteria and germs when these folders get handled.

As you can imagine, these antibacterial properties help you operate with more confidence that germs aren’t getting spread. In an era of COVID-19, it’s a straightforward way to offer an extra level of protection for yourself, loved ones, employees, partners, and colleagues.

Beauty And Branding

There’s no sensible reason for you to settle for boring and bland file folders! Japanese file folders manufactured by Edofiber offer clients the option to customize their office folders with their branding, which is ideal for multiple use cases, including:

  • Professional presentations
  • Request for proposal presentations
  • Marketing materials
  • Executive paperwork
  • New hire orientation packages
  • Employee review paperwork
  • Benefits packages
  • Onboarding
  • Exit interviews
  • Promotional materials
  • Sales materials
  • Training modules
  • Board documents

Customized options available to buyers include edge-dyeing, embossing, foil stamping, watermarking, and embossing.

Regardless of whether you need antibacterial file folders with an elaborate or straightforward branding design, washi antibacterial file folders rise to the occasion.

They provide a durable and sensible solution for your specific needs in every application and are ideal for both internal and external distribution.

High-Quality Office Supplies From Edofiber

In addition to customized file folders, Edofiber offers a broad range of attractive and functional washi office supplies, including notepads, envelopes, and letterhead so that you can differentiate your correspondences by keeping them uniform and beautiful across the board.

Competitively priced, our office supplies are sure to meet your personal or professional paper document storage needs. For more information, please reach out and get in contact with us to discuss your requirements.

Our friendly and knowledgeable product team is happy to answer any questions you have about our products and help guide you to the perfect Japanese office supplies for your requirements.

Four Solid Reasons To Upgrade To Antibacterial Paper Products

Four Solid Reasons To Upgrade To Antibacterial Paper Products

Almost everyone now understands the essential need to put hygiene and cleanliness at the forefront of business maintenance. The Covid-19 crisis was a swift teacher to all organizations that neglecting sound hygienic practices is a significant mistake. Now, savvy business managers and office leaders are looking for additional ways to safeguard their employees and workers from germs, virii, and bacteria.

Edofiber is leading the way for Washi manufacturers by introducing a new antibacterial paper product that answers the call for health-conscious offices. These days, it’s not only schools and medical centers that care about reducing bacterial load. Small offices, home office operations, and commercial settings of all sorts face mandates that ensure they keep things safe for visitors, customers, and employees. Antibacterial paper products are ideal in helping achieve those goals.

It Takes Work to Reduce the Spread of Germs

Regular cleaning and maintenance is a primary tool to reduce bacterial loads. It’s an especially crucial practice anywhere where many hands will touch surfaces. Most companies share paper products among people, so adding antibacterial properties reduces exposure to common germs. Edofiber has combined Washi paper’s beauty and durability with a long-lasting antibacterial agent to introduce environmentally-friendly paper products.

There are many benefits for companies to increase their attention to providing a healthy and safe work environment.

  • Workers have better peace of mind, which keeps their morale boosted. This fact alone is essential during the Covid-19 crisis.
  • Employees also benefit from knowing their employers are committed to providing safe working conditions. Nobody wants to catch a potentially-deadly disease due to employer negligence.
  • Compliance issues will increase over time, so it pays to stay on the right side of emerging issues at all times. The government may continue to institute new policies concerning the workplace, so following best practices is one way to stay attuned.

When discussing personal health, it’s worth mentioning that the well-being of the environment is also vital. That’s why environmentally-friendly products continue to gain in the marketplace. Edofiber’s innovation, antibacterial Washi paper, meets both goals equally. The company is Forest Stewardship Council certified due to its strict adherence to guiding principles that outline the best way to keep forests healthy when manufacturing paper products.

Fans of paper file folders will appreciate the beauty and benefits of our robust line of offerings.

  • Available in US Letter size and A4 Size.
  • Customers have their choice of unprinted ivory or plain white.
  • These are ideal for custom printed designs.

High-quality and durable, Washi paper is also globally known for its inherent beauty. Antibacterial treatments make it safer to the touch by slowing down the rate germs are transmitted. As part of a compelling overall approach to maintaining a safer environment, these forms of treatment make a ton of sense.

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Antibacterial Paper Is an Effective Way to Improve Your Filing System

There are no good reasons to avoid upgrading to antibacterial paper products now that they’re available. People have legitimate concerns about lingering germs, so it’s an easy way to allay their fears. No single method will ever prevent germs from spreading, but a multi-faceted approach represents moving in a positive direction. As countries and companies attempt to restrain Covid-19 and its impact, every little bit of effort will help.

The CDC has been explicit about its advice for making the workplace safer. They have five guidelines to ensure safety:

  • A responsible party should conduct daily health checks
  • A hazard assessment of the workplace can turn up additional areas that need improvements.
  • The managers must encourage employees to wear masks or cloth face coverings while at work
  • Develop practices and policies for consistent social distancing
  • Make an effort to improve the building’s ventilation system

Naturally, part of the hazard assessment will end up focusing on items that multiple employees touch. Safeguarding the paper filing system is one more area that they should address. The enterprises that rise to the challenge of combatting Covid-19 stand to gain a competitive edge over rivals who ignore the peril. Following guidelines is always excellent practice for businesses and organizations. Still, real rewards go to those firms that are willing to commit to the process of making their workplaces better than average when it comes to hygiene and health practices.

High-Quality Washi Paper File Folders Make the Workplace Safer

The Covid-19 crisis threatens to linger on much longer. In that case, any efforts to improve corporate standards will be crucial. Companies that show little enthusiasm for safeguarding the workplace will have a hard time attracting and retaining talent, and they may end up facing fees and censure. Governments worldwide have shown a willingness to shut down operations that they deem unsafe, and that trend may accelerate.

Edofiber continues to innovate its Washi product line, with antibacterial file folders being a recent addition to their lineup. These file Washi paper file folders retain their luxurious and aesthetic appeal while providing the additional benefit of bacteria resistance. Washi is a traditional paper product made from the Gampi, Kozon, and Mitsumata shrubs.

These shrubs remain popular sources for Washi paper because they have fibers, which are exceptionally suited for durability. Edofiber uses a unique method to infuse the antibacterial agent directly into the paper fibers. This simple method makes the properties last longer than the normal process of spraying the file folder’s surface.

By embedding the antibacterial treatment deep within the Washi paper, our antibacterial properties last for years compared to competitor file folders. For people looking to source a high-quality line of paper file folders, these benefits should be enough to win them over. Although it may be tempting to purchase low-quality, non-treated alternative products from competitors, it makes little sense in the face of a pandemic.

Custom Folders Offer Flexibility

Washi paper products remain a traditional Japanese classic. Custom printed antibacterial file folders make a strong statement for companies. Adding your branding to Washi antibacterial paper folders gives your filing system a distinctive look with extra protection.

Edofiber is always growing its network of business clients globally. Please find out how we can help you grow your business by offering state of the art antibacterial paper products.

Custom File Folders Cure Chaos

Custom File Folders Cure Chaos

For companies who want a cure for the chaos of unruly paperwork and enjoy authentic Japanese office supplies’ functionality, choosing Edofiber file folders is a savvy business decision. With a lengthy and impressive operating history and tons of practical experience making traditional Washi paper products, they lead the custom file folders market.

Customers Love the High-Quality Japanese Manufacturing Tradition

One of the most enduring, lasting, and admirable features of Japanese office supplies from Edofiber is the manufacturing process uses non-wood materials, making them more environmentally friendly than their traditional paper counterparts. Edofiber excels in this product category, and their company has achieved recognition with “Chain of Custody Certification” from the Forest Stewardship Council.

Consider the many uses of file folders to see why durability is essential. It’s no wonder Washi paper file folders remain a bestseller in the Japanese office supply industry. In environments where keeping paperwork organized is a priority, Washi paper cures the chaos.

Ideal for personalization and branding, custom file folders are great for company presentations and other printed applications that require branding and controlled messaging. When choosing custom file folders, it’s wise to focus on the product’s manufacturing quality and environmental-friendliness, both issues that indicate whether you’re buying from a top manufacturer or not.

Edofiber Combines Timeless Processes With Today’s Modern Forest-Friendly Standards

Japanese office supplies are praiseworthy for their quality, stemming from a long operating history of following traditional, effective manufacturing methods. Washi paper has been continuously used for twelve hundred years, proving itself to be an invaluable natural resource.

People who use Edofiber’s Washi file folders are sure to enjoy their luxurious feel. Not only that, they look incredible and are durable. They’re less expensive than versions made from paper or wood pulp.

At a time when people have become increasingly aware of the dangers of bacteria and viruses, Edofiber introduces a groundbreaking development – antibacterial file folders.

Worldwide office suppliers searching for new innovative products to offer their corporate and business clients are sure to find a partnership with Edofiber beneficial for extending product lines. Washi antibacterial file folders help to promote a healthier and more sanitary workplace.

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Ideal For All Environments Of All Types

Filing systems are vital for small businesses, home offices, and large private and governmental office operations. When planning a bulk buy, purchasers share many of the same concerns. After feeling the effects of a public health crisis, slowing the spread of germs and bacteria is more important than ever.

Edofiber revolutionized a process that injects antibacterial protection directly into the Washi paper during manufacturing. These long-lasting antibacterial properties help to protect anyone who handles the folders from spreading germs. Alternative file folders that only have a protective spray have a shorter lifespan.

Edofiber partners and resellers enjoy the benefits of providing valued clients with products that meet higher standards. FSC-Certification is a leading sales benefit that helps to close deals with organizations following green initiatives.

Meet Market Demands Offering Antibacterial Washi Paper File Folders

Extend and expand your product line to meet today’s business needs’ demands by offering Edofiber office supplies. Undoubtedly, by providing a game-changing product line, you gain an edge over the competition. More importantly, you play a crucial role in helping your customers conquer the chaos in their offices with antibacterial file folder solutions.

Customers always appreciate the attention to detail that goes into creating the world’s leading paper file folders. Japanese office supply manufacturing, steeped in tradition, remains an integral part of the local and global economy.

Edofiber specializes in manufacturing and printing custom file folders as part of its Japanese office supplies line. The line itself is impressive and represents an opportunity for people who offer them to their customers. Business is all about relationships, and nothing builds and maintains those better than supplying high-quality products that deliver on their promise to what they’re supposed to without fail.

Antibacterial File Folders Make Presentations Safer

Employers are well-served to invest in eco-friendly and clean office supplies whenever possible. Antibacterial paper file folders help you operate with more confidence. These folders keep your workers protected while assisting them in organizing documents for presentations and projects in production. Everyone is concerned about bacteria and germs, and antibacterial file folders are the most innovative way to keep minds at ease.

Touching items in an office environment is more concerning now that everyone is aware of the potential health risks of spreading the flu, viruses, and other contagions in the workplace. People are right to have concerns about how they, and others, may spread germs. Every employer who wants to diminish their exposure to unwanted contaminants is wise to use antibacterial file folders to store and share pertinent documents and information. Taking this step removes one layer of concern when implementing a strategy to keep a clean and healthy office.

Staying Organized Is a Priority for Almost Every Business

File folders are fantastic for organizing your daily routines and crucial business tasks.

  • Filing is a perfect way to increase your productivity. That gives you extra time to work on more critical tasks.
  • Staying organized allows you to reduce your stress levels.
  • You never have to be late again for an appointment.
  • Proper filing ensures you readily meet your deadlines.

Ultimately, people and organizations that use paper file folders stay on top of the game. They’re looking for reliable office supplies that uphold tradition while blazing new trails. Edofiber is the type of enterprise that never rests on its laurels, preferring to continue perfecting and innovating eco-friendly products that help solve problems.

Protecting people and paper documents is straightforward with file folders. Washi paper, particularly the antibacterial kind, is ideal for filing and storing essential paper documents.

Custom file folders are limited only by your imagination. Companies and organizations can brand them and personalize them as needed, making them flexible for almost any purpose. Choose Edofiber as your preferred manufacturer, and please your demanding customers with ease.

Potential partners would be happy to learn a bit about the history of Edofiber, a subsidiary of Nagai Shigyo Co., Ltd. Since 1928; the company has been using innovative processes to produce traditional Japanese paper products. Companies who want to distribute Washi paper for commercial applications are encouraged to contact the partnership information team today.

Our Japanese File Folders Are FSC Certified

Our Japanese File Folders Are FSC Certified

Few people downplay the significant risk that climate change poses for the world. Many businesses and organizations are taking the problem seriously and are rising to the challenge of adopting strict standards for product production that are sustainable and environmentally friendly.

One of the excellent ways to implement a commitment to eco-friendly manufacturing and resource attainment is through certification. While becoming FSC Certified is challenging, it is a worthy certification because following the requirements improves the environment.

Tenents Of The United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals

FSC is an integral part of the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals. It’s vitally important for companies that rely on timber and other natural resources from the forest to create their final products. The U.N.’s fifteenth goal relates to life on land and the symbiotic relationship with humankind and nature, emphasizing proper stewardship of the world’s finite resources.

Deforestation is a massive concern due to the devastation it wreaks on the ecosphere. Organizations that meet Forest Stewardship Council standards are doing their part to ensure that these worst-case scenarios never happen. Companies that use forest resources need to heed the warnings and risks of deforestation and the emergence of deadly zoonotic diseases.

Forest Stewardship Helps Ward off Severe Environmental Problems

The forest is incredibly essential to humans, especially the 1.6 billion of them who depend on forests to earn their living. Seventy million indigenous people worldwide are dependent on forest ecosystems for every aspect of their existence. An astounding eighty percent of earth’s species live in such woody environments!

The Forest Stewardship Council is devoted to maintaining partnerships with companies that utilize earth’s forestry resources to do it responsibly. For the enterprises that sign on to the agreement, meeting requirements help minimize their carbon footprint and to preserve as many natural resources as possible.

The result of meeting and exceeding exacting standards, exceptional attention to maintaining traditional manufacturing techniques, and innovation help Edofiber lead the market in Washi paper products. The Chain of Custody Certification the company holds ensures a high-level commitment to forest stewardship.

FSC Chain-of-Custody certification is essential because it proves that products take a precise path from their forest origin to the final destination. FSC-certified materials stand out from alternatives because it remains distinctly separate through each life cycle phase. For Edofiber’s customers, it means they gain added confidence that the Washi file products and other forest-derived products receive proper handling according to the U.N. sustainability standards.

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Discover FSC-Certified Japanese File Folders

Japanese office supplies benefit from sustainable production. Japan, a country that’s well-known internationally for its vibrant business community, is a nation that consumes a significant share of forest derived resources as part of its economic output.

Washi file folders and custom file folders are popular with companies, many of whom are now highly concerned about environmental issues. Growing awareness among global business leaders about the dangers of poor resource management is spurring the rapid development of innovative techniques that emphasize avoiding deforestation and its subsequent problems.

Washi File Folders Are Beautiful and Durable

It requires paper to produce Washi file folders, meaning that traditional shrubs remain the primary source material. Edofiber, who manufactures a significant amount of these file folders, meets its responsibility to ensure that the forests remain viable, no matter how many they sell. Without sustainable forest stewardship practices, it’s possible to strip too many resources, causing a wide variety of mishaps. Avoiding that outcome remains a significant concern.

Washi file folders never lose their popularity and are suitable for companies of all sizes. Edofiber has gained a reputation for selling high-quality folders that meet and exceed requirements. These durable products help organize records neatly, keeping businesses running smoothly. Since this type of manufacturing has been going on for over twelve centuries, it’s evident that sustainability has long been a goal for Japanese manufacturers like Edofiber.

Custom file folders are another popular offering that sells in large volumes. Forest stewardship becomes even more paramount for large-scale manufacturers who consume many forest resources. The certification is not a meaningless slip of paper. Instead, it’s public documentation that proves whether a company believes in ensuring eco-friendly practices through every step of the supply chain.

Washi paper not only lasts a long time, but it also has aesthetic appeal. Beautiful file folders are a centerpiece for modern offices that maintain paper documents for internal purposes. They are also beneficial for small business and home offices, where an easy-to-understand filing system is harmonious with objectives.

Edofiber’s Commitment to Sustainability and Traditional Quality Ensure the Highest Quality File Folders

As a central tenet for a file folder maker, Forest stewardship should give anyone extra confidence in purchasing products from them. Companies who care for our planet’s diminishing resources are helping ensure a future for everyone. They are also indicating their desire to remain as a long-term industry leader who addresses problems head-on.

For their part, the U.N. is strict with their certification requirements, so there’s little chance fly by night firms could maintain standards for acceptance. Company owners and organizational leaders who want to ensure they’re purchasing the best possible file folders are smart to learn how FSC-certification protects their interests. Manufacturers who aren’t willing to invest the money and resources to maintain certification will not care about their products’ sustainability.

With a thick and absorbent texture, Washi is an ideal medium for multiple printing processes. Edofiber carries a complete line of products that use Washi, including file folders. The company possesses unique skills to process and print on Washi. Letterpress Printing, High-definition Offset Printing, Thin Paper Printing, Seal Printing, and Laminating are methods the company uses to produce Washi paper products that look amazing while lasting for a long time.

As the first Forest Stewardship Council certified Washi makers in the world, Edofiber continues to produce file folders that are the centerpieces of organized offices. Companies that rely on paper file folders and want the best can find it among the company’s product lines. The issue of deforestation is not one that will disappear anytime soon. Consumers who understand the case’s essential nature will want to stay on the side of dealing with environmentally responsible manufacturers.

Edofiber plans on leading the way for Washi paper manufacturers who only use certified resources that make their way through a strictly regulated supply chain. That decision means you will always get the best possible quality custom file folders and Washi file folders.

Non-Wood File Folders Are Good for the Environment and Keep You Organized

Non-Wood File Folders Are Good for the Environment and Keep You Organized

You may be unaware of significant developments in the file folder industry. Edofiber, a leading Japanese manufacturer of the product, is now promoting several innovative offerings worth investigating. First, consider using non-wood file folders to keep all your paperwork in order.

Traditional Filing Systems Remain Popular

Paper files never go out of style, regardless of how popular online management becomes. People are in the habit of keeping vital documents records at hand, and paper filing systems have proven valuable through centuries of global use.

No one wants to waste time, whether working at an office or organizing paperwork around the home. A paper filing system is a traditional way to keep organized when you have extensive paperwork.

Without a system in place, it’s way too easy to mishandle or lose paperwork. Tossing it into a drawer or leaving it somewhere you think you’ll remember later is a record-keeping disaster waiting to happen.

Procrastination has no place in the world of organization. Tomorrow is not the day to deal with paperwork that needs filing now. You need to implement your strategy without fail or delay and use it consistently to achieve the best results.

Throw Out Unneeded Papers Immediately

Always decide whether a piece of paper is worth saving or should get recycled. If the document contains sensitive information, but you don’t need to keep it, shredding can help protect your identity or account information.

Procrastination is a thief of time, especially when it comes to organizational workflow. By putting off dealing with documents when they first arrive, it introduces delays and increases the chances of oversights or errors.

Be meticulous with your filing system to ensure you get the best possible results and benefits. Toss away anything that you don’t need without hesitation!

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Stay Consistent With Your Naming Convention

To keep things running smoothly, keep your folder naming conventions and categories consistent. Identifying each folder with a logical naming convention makes it easier to group related paperwork.

For instance, creating individual files to store documents related to your mortgage, appliance warranties, receipts, user manuals, reports, or business expenses keeps everything in one place.

Keep Similar Documents Together for Simplicity’s Sake

It’s worth keeping documents of a similar nature together. That way, when you look in your reports folder, you’ll only find reports neatly grouped. It’s always going to be quicker to find a document in a folder with one use.

Washi paper files are exceptional products for this purpose because they’re water-resistant and durable to handle all your filing needs.

Simplicity is critical when organizing. Streamlining the process helps save time and frustration. If you make things too complicated, you’ll likely regret it later if you struggle to find crucial documents when you need them.

Maintain Digital Copies by Using Your Scanners

Even though it’s fantastic to have all your paper files, fire, or other unexpected events would be devastating without having a paperless backup. Always scan your incoming documents and keep a copy on removable media and a cloud backup service. By doing so, you retain the convenience of paper copies and the security of having digital backups.

While it’s extra work to keep your records in multiple locations, it’s a step to keep all your documents genuinely secure. Having digital copies of your files empowers you to retrieve them if they get lost or misplaced. The effort is worth it for the extra peace of mind it provides.

Use Subfolders When Applicable

You may always refine your efforts by using subfolders. Using subfolders, you can relate documents that would be better off kept separate. You may not be able to think of every scenario when you first configure your filing systems, but that’s okay because evolution is inevitable when it comes to organization.

When you find that your record-keeping is branching into different directions, decide what filing methods best suit the situation, and implement a smart solution.

Separate Your Ongoing and Completed Work

The most confusing thing to do is to mix documents for ongoing and completed projects. Always separate your workflow and file wisely. This organization tip will help you concentrate on ongoing projects while keeping files for completed work tucked away neatly.

Once you develop a system that’s ideal for your everyday use, there are few reasons to make significant changes. However, if you need to make adaptions, use a strategy that tweaks and enhances your existing processes.

Since you’re a fan of paper files, learning about world-leading products that make personal and office organization more effortless than ever is worthwhile.

Edofiber Leads the Field With 100% FSC Certified Washi Paper Non-Wood File Folders.

Edofiber, a Japanese company with a decades-long commitment to environmentally-friendly manufacturing processes, produces non-wood Washi file folders for personal and business use. These high-quality files follow the tenets of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC.)

These file folders utilize paper derived from Bamboo as the primary raw material. Edofiber uses an FSC-certified method to produce the Washi paper file folders. People who use them reap the benefits of having beautiful, durable Washi paper, non-wood, file folders that are 100% FSC Certified.

Why Is the Forest Stewardship Council Essential?

As their name implies, the Forest Stewardship Council’s primary task is protecting the world’s forest from many pressing threats. Nearly one half of all the planet’s birds, mammals, and the most threatened endangered species live in forests. Deforestation threatens wildlife, but improper forest stewardship also emperils industries that rely on the forest for their livelihoods.

For people, companies, and organizations looking to reduce their environmental footprint, Washi Paper Non-Wood File Folders offer an eco-friendly solution. Attractive and high-quality construction makes them ideal for commercial, business, and personal document storage needs.

Non-antibacterial versions are ideal for healthcare settings, food service, and other industries where keeping a bacteria-free environment is critical.

About Antibacterial Washi Paper Files

Edofiber was asked by the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics to create antibacterial Washi paper files. The company responded with antibacterial files that were so successful that Olympic visitors could use them at pre-events and conferences held during the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics throughout 2019.

For more information on Edofiber Washi products, including antibacterial file folders, please visit their website.