Antibacterial Technology Is Superior to Chemically-Treated Paper for Files

Antibacterial Technology Is Superior to Chemically-Treated Paper for Files

With COVID-19 restrictions in place, it’s no surprise that interest in home organization has grown exponentially across the world. For many, this unprecedented time in history provided extra time to focus on household and business management.

When you have a lot of spare time on your hands, there’s little reason to let your cleaning and organization take a backslide.

It isn’t always feasible to throw papers and correspondence away, so creating a sorting and storage system that provides antibacterial protection is a worthwhile endeavor in fine-tuning how you handle your documents.

Gather Everything You Need Into One Spot

First, you should gather all of your paperwork and documents in order to sort them in a central location. Depending on how you’ve previously handled or stored paperwork, this could require some time and effort.

For optimal results, we recommend the following items to streamline your project.

  • A file cabinet or files boxes
  • File folders
  • Paper shredder
  • Recycling bin
  • Printable Labels

Each of these tools plays an essential role in cataloging your necessary paperwork and documents.

If you have significant amounts of documents to sort and store, using durable, attractive, and antibacterial Washi paper file folders offer all these benefits. The antibacterial nature of the product means you can worry less about the potential for germ spread in your office or home.

Start The Sorting And Process

To work more efficiently, set up five staging areas for your documents. When sorting, decide which category is most appropriate for the paperwork. These five categories include:

Immediate action required – These are high priority items, such as bills and other time-sensitive account statements.

Archival items – These are items you may need to use later, but with no immediate need for them now. These documents could include correspondence about insurance policies, purchase receipts, product manuals, warranties, school records, and monthly bank statements.

Household necessities – These are your goto documents like coupons, takeout menus, and other documents that you refer to frequently.

Recyclable – Unwanted mail that doesn’t contain personal information and is of no interest to you is ideal for recycling.

Shredding required – Any document that you don’t want or need to keep that has personally identifiable information, such as account numbers, contact information, or other sensitive information, should get shredded to protect your identity.

With a winning system like this installed, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you sort and file.

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Decluttering Simplifies Your Life

There are not many reasons to horde documents. Most hold very little special meaning, so sorting, recycling, or shredding them as soon as you get them is most sensible. It would be best if you prepared to shred or recycle as often as possible.

To avoid clutter, save only the items you need, and stay on top of handling things you want to review later, such as sales circulars. Once you’ve reviewed them, process them efficiently. Many retailers offer hard copies of their sales circulars in their stores so that you can refresh your memory when you’re there.

Use an Archival System for Vital Documents

Excellent organizational skills require that related items get stored in clearly labeled or marked file folders. This system makes life easier when you need to retrieve:

  • Passports and travel records
  • Medical records
  • Tax returns
  • School records
  • Contracts, leases, and deeds
  • Retirement, life insurance, and financial documents
  • Social security cards, birth certificates, and baptismal certificates
  • Employment information and records

For documents of this nature, using a fireproof box and labeled Washi file folders preserves them, even in the case of a fire. By assigning an individual Washi file folder for each category, you can group all your essential papers and documents accordingly.

A Central Household File Helps Immensely

A household file is ideal for storing documents that don’t need action currently but will, at some point, making them ineligible for archiving. A household file with several sections, binders, or pockets is perfect for keeping gift cards, coupons, and other documents you may need shortly.

Use Your Action File for Documents on the Move

Maintain one “action” file to keep high priority correspondence easily at hand, and use it as your hub to keep your household and finances running smoothly.

The most important of all aspects of organizing your home or business office is consistency. One week where you fall behind can plague your entire system and cause a pileup of disorganized papers and clutter. If that happens, you’ll need to double your efforts and go through the backlog until everything is in order.

Washi Paper File Folders Make Life Easier

File folders are multifunctional and ideal for use when organizing paperwork and diverse hobbies like scrapbooking. Selecting attractive, durable, environmentally-friendly, and antibacterial folders help protect these folders’ content, whatever they might be.

Edofiber, the Japanese standard-bearer in high-quality Washi paper production, provides all of these benefits and more. The company, a recognized innovation leader in Washi paper production, offers a robust solution: Washi Paper Non-Wood File Folders.

Producing Washi paper is a proud tradition, and Edofiber continues to make developments and advancements in their production of this remarkable product. With a history of Thirteen hundred years of continuous use, it’s not surprising that Washi possesses many qualities that make it a formidable competitor in the file folder industry.

Edofiber has advanced the use of Washi paper one step further with its introduction of antibacterial Washi Paper Non-Wood Paper Files. The specially-treated paper is bacteria-resistant, making it a healthier and safer option than non-bacterial resistant counterparts.

Edofiber offers both antibacterial and non-antibacterial Washi Paper Non-Wood File Folders. The company has worked closely with the Japanese government to reduce plastic use and offer more environmentally-friendly product alternatives throughout the nation. This partnership has helped them develop the expertise to release breakthrough products.

As COVID-19 continues to overpower the headlines and capture attention worldwide, antibacterial file folders are a wise investment. Businesses and organizations, including clinics, schools, and nursing homes, benefit from using antibacterial products as much as possible. Naturally, people working from home or their business office also benefit from keeping their environments germ-free and are sure to appreciate alternatives to traditional folders.

Edofiber antibacterial paper files are printable, and the treatment lasts for several years. The art of filing continues to evolve, as does Washi paper and its many profound uses.

To find out more about Edofiber’s unique antibacterial file folders and how they can help in your pursuit of healthier and more organized living, please visit their website for more information.

Chopsticks Serve Populations Across the World

Chopsticks Serve Populations Across The World

Did you know that approximately one-third of the people in the world use chopsticks to eat? Not surprisingly, in countries where sticky rice is the staple, such as Japan, China, Korea, and Vietnam, the use of chopsticks is higher than in other regions of the world.

According to statistics, China alone uses 45 billion chopsticks annually. When you add in all the other regions that use chopsticks, the total number of chopsticks people employ each year is enormous.

Hashi Are Highly Functional Utensils

For people new to using chopsticks, it can take time and practice to master traditional hashi, which is the word for chopsticks in Japanese.

Unlike conventional eating utensils such as forks and knives, people use over fifty muscles and thirty joints in their hands, wrists, arms, and shoulders when using chopsticks to eat.

However, once people become comfortable using these utensils, they use them to pinch, scoop, press, mix and divide foods.

Chopsticks come in a wide range of materials, including bamboo, bone, fine china, metal, plastic, and wood. Chopsticks made from eco-friendly and reusable materials helps to minimize their environmental impact at landfills, which is essential thanks to their widespread usage.

Nuri-Bashi from Edofiber is ideal for restauranters, suppliers, and other businesses worldwide who want to offer authentic Japanese chopsticks to their valued clients and customers.

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Discover the Benefits of Traditional Japanese Chopsticks

To the untrained eye, all chopsticks probably look quite similar, but there are definite differences between high-quality Japanese hashi and other forms of chopsticks.

The most noticeable difference is that Japanese chopsticks are typically shorter than other hashi. Also, traditional hashi tapers off to a slender point and is available in a variety of sizes. Smaller chopsticks are ideal for children, teens, and women with petite hands.

These utensils have come a long way since their introduction. In the early days, Japanese chopsticks were reserved solely for religious ceremonies. At this time, hashi looked like tweezers made from one piece of bamboo attached at the top.

Interesting Facts About Chopsticks

Another interesting fact about chopsticks you may not know is these traditional Asian-inspired utensils get celebrated every year on February 6.

On that day, people all over the globe celebrate chopsticks and their invaluable service to humanity. If you plan on attending any events like this, it pays to understand a few critical points about etiquette.

Whether indulging in sticky rice, noodles, soup, or a meat dish, there are specific rules to follow when using hashi.

The first rule is using both hands to pick up the hashi while keeping the tips away from your fingertips.

When positioning them in your dominant hand, hold it like a pencil taking care not to keep it too close to the tip or the ends.

The second piece rests on your third finger, which stays in place when using them. Using the first two fingers and your thumb, you move the chopstick up and down.

Proper etiquette also requires that once finished with using hashi, you bring them together using both hands and gently place them on your hashi Oki rest.

Get the Best Chopsticks at Edofiber

Most importantly, not all chopsticks are created the same, not do they bear the same name in all languages. For instance, in Ancient China, they are called “zhu.” In modern Chinese, they are called “kuaizi.” In Japanese, they are “hashi.”

Hashi by Edo-Fiber offers multiple options to help add value and authenticity to your business. Please contact us for more information on our products. We fully support our full line of chopsticks and look forward to providing you with world-class service.

Sustainable Japanese Paper Manufacturing Processes Reduce Global Warming

Sustainable Japanese Paper Manufacturing Is Environmentally Friendly

Traditional Japanese paper is known for its high quality primarily due to its use of fibrous materials from the Kozo, Gampi, and Mitsumata shrubs. The current conventional manufacturing techniques for Japanese papers have a fourteen hundred year legacy, and people have been working this way since 610 CE!

It’s a celebrated tradition for Japanese companies to follow, but Edofiber has not limited itself to rely solely on traditional techniques. We have gone a step further with our manufacturing processes, ensuring that our products meet strict sustainability standards. That’s significant because Japan is the world’s third-leading national consumer of paper products and relies heavily on imports for raw materials for production.

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We Use Manufacturing Processes That Reduce Deforestation

Edofiber is well aware of the crucial need to reduce deforestation levels worldwide. In that spirit, we strive to use the natural fibers and vegetable-based inks. This commitment to using inks that replace petroleum solvents introduces fewer chemicals into the environment. We’re aware that it takes a firm commitment from global manufacturers like us to reduce our carbon footprint and preserve the environment.

Edofiber contributes to achieving the UN’s 14 Sustainable Development Goals as part of Edofiber’s environmental strategy.

That devotion has earned our company certification from the Forest Stewardship Council, making us the world’s first company to achieve this honor. We feel that it’s essential for our company to provide environmentally friendly Washi paper manufacturing that helps to reduce the negative impact on the environment.

The Forest Stewardship Council’s forest management certification gets awarded to companies that continuously prove they manage forest resources consistent with improving biological diversity. At the same time, these efforts benefit local workers and people who rely on the company’s operations in the local economy.

Using Natural Dyes Provides Many Benefits

Our commitment doesn’t end with paper manufacturing. We exclusively use environmentally-friendly vegetable inks for all of our printing services. Doing so offers several benefits, including producing aesthetically pleasing paper designs.

One traditional Japanese paper dyeing method is called Yasha. Yasha creates a natural yellow-brown color, derived from the boiled cones of the alder tree. Sakura is another natural dye made from cherry tree blossoms.

Using traditional dyes has been popular among Japanese paper manufacturers since the eighth century.

In the twelve centuries since Yasha’s invention, the dye has proven itself worthy because it exhibits durability and stability. These qualities are highly sought-after by conservationists and museums when preserving and restoring ancient documents. Combined with Washi, conservationists and restoration teams are able to produce a paper that exceeds expectations for usability, beauty, and sustainability.

Yasha proves its value in the world of document conservation, where it’s invaluable. This all-natural dye unlocks a subtle variety of colors and hues that enhance the paper’s final presentation. With a keen eye for the most minute details and passion for sustainability, we’re confident that our Washi paper is the highest quality.

Traditional Japanese dyes have graced Washi paper for over 1000 years. Edofiber is proud to help maintain this legacy of the environmental-first manufacturing approach and production of Washi paper.

Introducing Antibacterial Washi Paper File Folders for the Times

Introducing Antibacterial Washi Paper File Folders for the Times

When you think of Washi paper, thoughts of Japanese traditions immediately come to mind. However, simply because this form of paper-making has been around for so long, don’t let it confuse you about multiple innovations that are transforming the art.

One such breakthrough we’re proud to announce is our introduction of Washi paper with an antibacterial infusion. The process of creating the final product in this manner is exciting. First, we infuse a proprietary antibacterial ingredient directly into our standard manufacturing process.

This process increases effectiveness, and the paper performs better than directly spraying antibacterial catechin onto the paper’s surface, like most other manufacturers. Our method is superior because infused catechin always lasts much longer, maintaining its antibacterial qualities.

Get Ready for Innovative New Washi Products

Our first offering in the antibacterial Washi paper product line is the Washi file folder. File folders are ideal for dental or medical offices thanks to the antibacterial property, which significantly reduces the transmission of bacteria and contaminants. Add to that impressive feature the pure elegance of Washi paper, and you have a genuine industry-leading product designed to outlast competitor’s products.

The most popular file folders are typically plastic, which puts enormous stress on the environment. Worldwide plastic production is now 333.5 million tons, up three times since 1990. Companies dump 79% of that plastic waste illegally directly in oceans and landfills. Plastic file folders are extremely popular in Japan, so our new Washi paper file folders are the ideal solution for reducing this problem. Our file folders use Washi paper that’s approved by the Forest Stewardship Council.

Washi Paper for Sustainability

The Covid-19 pandemic is altering how people live and do business. Hygiene is of the utmost concern in offices, schools, and clinics. Washi paper folders are aesthetically pleasing and help protect against the spread of germs and contaminants.

If you haven’t already, now is an excellent time to consider the benefits of using FSC-approved Washi paper made file folders in your environment.

Antibacterial agents get added during the manufacturing process, instead of applying it to the surface later. That makes the antibacterial properties useful for years.

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Print Ready For All Your Needs

Edofiber antibacterial file folders are suitable for printing at home on standard printers. We have corner-rounded designs available for those who prefer that format and for use at facilities with infants.

Now, more than ever, people have genuine concerns about spreading viruses. Alleviate their fears with antibacterial Washi paper file folders that are beautiful, durable, and have germ-fighting properties. Edofiber remains committed to being the world’s leader in sustainable Washi products, and our file folders continue that tradition.

Get More for the Same Price

We’ve worked extra hard to keep our prices affordable for our product, even though it requires extra steps during production. We use a customized machine that automates the entire production process, including cutting the folders at the end. Our machinery investment has allowed us to keep prices at the same point as the ordinary paper file folders.

Whether you need a couple of hundred units or thousands of antibacterial file folders, we’re here to deliver!

Contact us to ask for more information on this groundbreaking new product that keeps your establishment healthier and safer.

Natural Properties of Washi Paper Extended to New Markets

Natural Properties of Washi Paper Now Extended to New Markets

One of the most compelling qualities of Washi Paper is it’s an all-natural and incredibly durable paper. These properties make it a logical choice for modern restauranteurs interested in preserving the environment and providing a memorable customer experience.

Washi paper has protected chopsticks for a long time, and the material has repeatedly proven its worth. The goal is to protect and preserve chopsticks, providing diners with an unforgettable experience. The natural properties of Washi paper make it ideal for use in the foodservice industry.

You’ll soon understand why the material is so popular when you discover the most remarkable properties of Washi paper.

Consider the Many Benefits of Washi Paper

Washi paper production uses an acid-free process, which enables archival qualities without a hint of yellowing. The most fantastic part may be that this type of paper can last one thousand years!

One of the reasons the paper lasts so long is because it blocks UV rays. That makes it ideal for wrapping items that must remain protected from ultraviolet rays. Extended exposure to sunlight can cause enormous damage, including discoloration or fading. Wrapping chopsticks in Washi Paper is a surefire way to preserve them and keep them looking as ideal as possible.

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Prevent Insect Damage and More

Another interesting fact about Washi paper is it has natural insect-repellant properties. These properties make it an ideal protective wrapping for garment storage since clothing fibers often attract more than their fair share of moths and other damaging insects.

Additionally, washi paper is an absorbent material that does an excellent job of deodorizing. That makes it useful for a variety of applications where odor can be an issue.

Washi paper is extremely durable, especially in comparison to traditional Western paper derived from trees. The difference is that Washi uses long strands of fiber from the Gampi tree (Diplomorpha sikokiana), Mitsumata shrub (Edgeworthia chrysantha), or the paper mulberry bush (Broussonetia papyrifera). Those fibers add durability to the finished product, which makes it last longer than other comparable products.

As you may imagine, all of these properties go a long way towards making Washi paper the world-famous option it is currently. With even more innovation, the material can find many new use cases and applications.

Anti-Bacterial: Our Newest Innovation

Edofiber is well-known for its pre-eminent position as a Washi paper manufacturer. One of the reasons we’re so renowned is because of our commitment to innovation. To that end, Edofiber has developed a new manufacturing process that uses an injection of catechin flavin-3-ols into Washi papers.

This process is a breakthrough because it adds anti-bacterial properties to Washi Paper, extending the possible uses for the material to new industries. The paper is suitable for medical office products, nursing home supplies, healthcare, and traditional foodservice supply companies.

Please watch for more information on Edofiber’s Washi anti-bacterial line of papers next month. We’re proud of our new process and can’t wait to share details with everyone. Make sure to visit our blog often for the latest information about Washi paper.

Traditional Japanese Paper Adds Flair Sophistication

Traditional Japanese Paper Adds Flair and Sophistication

There’s little doubt that traditional Japanese paper, Washi, has earned a global reputation for being a high-quality product. Washi paper integrates intimately with Japanese culture. For insights, consider the origin of the name.

“Wa” means “Japanese” and “shi” means “paper,” so it’s evident this material has long been an integral part of Japanese heritage and identity. The specialty paper uses local fiber from Japanese shrubs and trees and then undergoes vigorous manual processing.

Constant Development Raises Washi Paper Production to an Artform

Historical sources indicate that Washi paper first arrived in Japan thanks to Korean Buddhist priest Doncho. As they’re known to do, the Japanese took the original techniques he taught and advanced them to a new level. They used local fiber sources to make the paper as efficient and durable as possible.

Using textile-type materials like Kozo and Gampi added substantial strength to the paper, significantly extending it’s longevity and making it even more versatile.

Master’s at crafts loved working with the material so much that over thirteen hundred years of production, it became a foundation for numerous Japanese artforms. Production of the paper was such an intrinsic part of Japanese culture that entire towns sprang up around making Washi paper.

All these years later, Washi paper continues to evolve. Centuries of use and a global customer base ensure that it will remain essential. Let’s consider some of the applications for Washi in modern times.

Washi has proven itself a strong contender in the digital printing space. The same qualities that make it attractive for traditional uses are also ideal for printing. Durability and versatility are among the reasons that printers use Washi.

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Discover Washi for Printable Paper

White washi paper for digital printing gives you several different options for producing the highest-quality printed documents.

  • Yama – The production process for this paper uses wood pulp from coniferous trees. That makes the finished product suitable for greeting cards, invitations, envelopes, and stamp-books.
  • Kawa – Edofiber uses dedicated machines to produce this type of paper while retaining its hand-made appeal. This printable form of Washi is suited for food service.
  • Kumo – Kumo is similar to Kawa but uses a mix of Rayon fiber. The end product is printable and commonly used in foodservice.

Washi Paper Is Ideal for Office Supplies

Washi is gaining traction in the office supply sector. The material makes an excellent source of packaging paper, stationery, and craft supplies. Washi packaging papers come in a broad range of colors and styles, so it’s easy to find something perfect for any project. Make sure to check out our extensive collection for inspiration.

Washi Products Are Integral for Food Service Companies

Foodservice and restaurant supply companies buy and sell Washi paper, often to enhance traditional-style Japanese dining experiences. Washi paper and Japanese chopsticks go hand in hand and remain an enduring symbol of the nation’s work ethic and mastery of the art of paper-making.

About Edofiber

Edofiber is a world-leading supplier of Washi paper and has all of the solutions you need. We constantly innovate and bring new products to life, so make sure to stop back often to keep up with all the latest news.

Lacquered Chopsticks Create a Compelling Dining Experience

Japanese Lacquered Chopsticks Create a Compelling Dining Experience

There’s no doubt that chopsticks have a range of the most basic design to elaborate artistic expressions. Originally conceived and put into widespread use by the Chinese, by the time Japanese people began using them regularly, a few noticeable differences between the two cultures emerged.

Chinese chopsticks are almost always are simple and unfinished. Their Japanese counterparts, on the other hand, often have a finish, including beautiful lacquer.

Discover the Elegance of Nuri-Bashi

People who seek the ultimate in chopsticks will inevitably learn about Wakasa-Nuri-Bashi. These ornate chopsticks are meticulously hand-crafted by master artists in the Wakasa district in Fukui prefecture.

These beautiful chopsticks are considered luxury items in Japan and are generally handmade. The most crucial process for creating Wakasa-Nuri is applying a pattern to the chopsticks, covering that up, and revealing the design through careful polishing.

Although the handmade process is painstaking and can take up a year to complete, producing lacquered chopsticks for the masses is more straightforward. First, the process sees the application of two undercoat lacquer layers on the base material, which is almost always wood.

That first finish is thoroughly polished. Then, the application of additional lacquer gets applied and is polished again. The result is stunning, both dramatic and elegant.

Chopsticks Using Nuri-Bashi Lacquerware Style Are Suitable for Wholesale Business

Fortunately, for people who are nowhere near Fukui prefecture and want the look of the handmade classics without the cost, EdoFiber offers a solution.

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EdoFiber has developed a method of mass-producing the lacquerware style of Nuri-Bashi that is suitable for wholesale business. The company provides a valuable service for restaurants worldwide who want authentic Japanese chopsticks.

Wakasa-Nuri chopsticks, which are sometimes called jewel-lacquer, create a compelling presentation for the ultimate dining experience. EdoFiber lacquered chopsticks retain the historical heritage, and combine with modern technology, to make innovative lifestyle items that are sufficient for everyday and commercial dining.

A New Age Dawns for Nuri-Bashi

Due to the amount of time it takes for a master artisan to create chopsticks in this traditional manner, Nuri-Bashi has been too expensive for most commercial enterprises. Now, all of that is changing thanks to EdoFiber’s new process, which makes them affordable to a mass market.

EdoFiber partners with forward-thinking companies all over the world to promote the beauty and functionality of Washi. We’re first Washi makers in the world to receive first Forest Stewardship Council certification.

We’ve supplied chopsticks to the restaurant industry since 1959. Since that time, we’ve earned a reputation for producing high-quality, innovative products. We’re confident that you will appreciate our lacquered chopsticks. They add elements of tradition and beauty to your tabletops and takeout, which helps you maintain an edge over competitors who don’t use these stately utensils.

Wakasa Nuri-Bashi luxury chopsticks have long been a symbol of excellence for the Fukui prefecture. Our chopsticks incorporate the key elements that make lacquered chopsticks memorable for everyone. Restaurant businesses looking to improve their diner’s experience should consider adding our new products to your lineup.

If you would like more information on our extensive line of high-quality products, reach out today for more details.

Nuri-Bashi Lacquered Chopsticks

Nuri-Bashi Lacquered Chopsticks

Japanese chopsticks, known as Hashi, are revered the world over for their beauty and artistry. A range from Waribashi, disposable chopsticks, all the way to the luxury Nuri-Bashi, which carry finely-painted lacquer finishes helps merchants meet their every need.

To bring forth such visual appeal in a wooden chopstick has long been the domain of artisans, trained in traditional craft.

Lacquered Chopsticks Are Vital Cultural Symbols

Chopsticks intertwine with Japan’s history and culture and enrich the country’s food heritage. The utensils and Japanese cuisine are so crucial to the country’s culture that UNESCO conferred them as an intangible cultural heritage. That means they’re part of a social custom upheld through many generations. These traditions express the respect that Japanese people hold for nature.

To protect this heritage, the Japanese government applied for the designation in 2012. When writing their application, they outlined four essential areas that make their cuisine worthy of worldwide recognition.

  • Japanese cuisine uses a diverse range of fresh ingredients that maintain a healthy level of respect for their inherent flavors.
  • The country’s cuisine is part of an exceptionally well-balanced and healthy diet.
  • The food is an expression of natural beauty and the changing seasons.
  • The fare maintains close links with critical annual events that celebrate Japanese heritage.

Chopsticks are a significant component of Japanese cuisine and the traditions surrounding food and the people. The UNESCO designation shows the world that Japanese cuisine plays a vital role in the country’s social identity, and the nation will continue to cherish the connection forever.

It’s worth keeping these concepts in mind when you’re evaluating the role chopsticks play in traditional cuisines and eating in Japan. Both are intertwined and, when conceptualized as one, help form a crystal-clear picture of how the Japanese respect this aspect of their historical culture.

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Chopstick Etiquette Is Worth Knowing

Don’t overlook how etiquette and chopsticks go hand in hand. To avoid embarrassment, following these guidelines helps to keep your reputation in good standing.

  • The first thing to learn is to hold your chopsticks correctly. Sometimes, easier said than done.
  • It’s never polite to eat directly from serving dishes. The proper protocol is to politely take food from shared bowls and place it onto your plate or bowl before digging in and consuming it.
  • Always use a chopstick holder.
  • Don’t dig through food. Please select what you want to eat next, and use your chopsticks to pick it up and consume.
  • Don’t lick chopsticks. It’s inconsiderate and not something others want to witness. Never leave the chopsticks in your mouth while eating.
  • Be careful about giving food to others.
  • Chopsticks are vital food utensils, not toys.
  • Avoid Tsukitate-Bashi, which is putting your chopsticks into a bowl of rice vertically. The Japanese reserve this tradition for funerals, not for everyday dining.

Like other forms of etiquette, it’s not so much what you do, but ensuring you don’t do certain things considered to be socially unacceptable. For those unfamiliar with the culture, you might not get everything right the first time. However, start learning now, and it shouldn’t take too much time and effort to master the art of using chopsticks the Japanese way.

If you’re fortunate enough to have a supply of Hashi-Oki, which are the rests for chopsticks, use them. These are small ceramic objects used by people to rest the end of the chopsticks when not in use.

There’s no shame in not understanding every nuance of using chopsticks at first. As long as you have a willingness to learn and respect the culture, you’ll get the hang of using them traditionally.

Quality Is an Integral Part of the Japanese Cuisine Tradition

As the UNESCO designation implies, the Japanese maintain a long tradition of focusing on the highest-quality food preparation. The passion they exhibit extends from food preparation to consumption, which is exemplified by chopsticks.

One of the reasons the government is safeguarding Washoku is that younger generations are leaving behind many traditions. Without a preservation effort in place, the old ways might give way to modern convenience. That’s why foodservice companies who are part of this heritage must make efforts to educate others while respecting this legacy.

The lower-end disposable chopstick market is giving way as consumers look for sustainable, eco-friendly alternatives. When they do, many turn their sights towards Fukui prefecture, which is renowned for manufacturing lacquerware chopsticks called Wakasa-Nuri. The reason the artisans in that district are so skilled gets credited to the four hundred year tradition that’s passed from generation to generation.

Wakasa-Nuri is known for its comfortable touch feeling, as well as the beautiful embellishments that adorn them. They’re moisture-resistant, making them ideal and suitable for daily use. One of the main reasons why these types of chopsticks are less popular than others is because they’re more expensive due to the effort required by artisans to manufacture them. That’s changing now, though, thanks to a new process from Edofiber.

Mass Production Makes Japanese Traditions More Accessible

Japanese chopsticks carry a premium price over Chinese competitors. The reason is the reputation for high-quality that’s a part of the tradition. Diners regard the final product for its finish and visual appeal.

Although many people use disposable chopsticks -worldwide estimates say 80 billion of them each year, the drawbacks are evident. Using one set for each meal is wasteful and contributes to numerous problems. That’s why nondisposable utensils are gaining ground. They provide a more sustainable solution while remaining aesthetically pleasing.

Edofiber is a company that’s uniquely qualified to sell chopsticks that maintain Japan’s rich cuisine legacy. The company has decades of operational history, with a singular focus on producing high-quality products for foodservice companies.

A prime example is our new product offering, Nuri-Bashi chopsticks. We have pioneered a new technique to mass-produce these culturally-important utensils, making them an ideal addition for foodservice companies.

Edofiber is a top-rated supplier of chopsticks as well as Washi paper supplies for restaurants and foodservice companies worldwide. We’re the first Forest Stewardship Council certified Washi makers in the world. Our commitment to sustainability is in total alignment with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

If you would like more details on these high-quality products, reach out today for more information.

Japanese Hashi Chopsticks

Japanese Hashi Chopsticks

Like many people who live outside of Asia, you may not know too much about chopsticks, other than they’re a fun and unique way to eat. Japanese chopsticks, known worldwide as Hashi, have a long and varied history.

The first chopsticks in use in Japan arrived from Korea. People traveling from China via the Silk Road introduced the utensils to Japan.

Chopsticks held much meaning for the Japanese, who revered them as being precious. The original chopsticks they knew weren’t separate. Instead, they had the two individual sticks fused at the top. In around 1,000 CE, all that changed as the type of Hashi you see now became the norm.

How Japanese and Chinese Chopsticks Differ

A few notable differences help Chinese and Japanese chopsticks stand out from one another.

Chinese chopsticks took their current form during the Qing dynasty, which occurred between 1644 and 1911.

Consider the typical characteristics of Chinese chopsticks, which are known as Kuaizi.

  • They are generally 10.5 inches long.
  • Handles are .27 inches long and .22 inches in diameter.
  • There’s no tapering, and the tips have blunt cuts.
  • Wood, metal, stone, bone, and compound chopsticks are all available in China.

Japanese chopsticks have distinctly different elements.

  • Most Hashi chopsticks are 9 inches in length.
  • They are squarish in shape with rounded edges in their handle. Most are round at the tip.
  • The handles start at the .3 inch point and continue to the tips where they’re .8 inches in diameter.
  • The chopsticks have a beautiful taper that goes from the handle to the top. The tip itself rounds over distinctly and has no visible, sharp edges.

It’s not only the physical attributes that differ. Each culture takes a slightly different approach to their use of the utensils, based on local customs and traditions. Chopstick etiquette differs around the world, so it’s worth gaining an understanding of these practices before you dig into a tasty meal. In 1878, the invention of disposable chopsticks by the Japanese again changed the accessibility of Hashi worldwide.

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Using Japanese Chopsticks Demonstrates Respect

To make Hashi more ornate and visually attractive, manufacturers commonly use Washi paper sleeves for protection and decoration.

An exciting thing about Hashi is that the host wraps them with a sleeve to welcome the guest. Guests who wish to thank their host for the beautiful dinner will often fold the sleeves and create Origami artwork as a sign of their appreciation for the exceptional meal. This expressive sign of mutual respect is a beloved cultural aspect that shows the continued power of chopsticks to bring people together.

Choose Only The Best Hashi

Edofiber is the premier, top-rated supplier of both chopsticks and Washi paper chopstick supplies. For over 100 years, Edofiber has been demonstrating a commitment to sustainability and the production of high-quality chopsticks.

We’re the world’s first-ever Forest Stewardship Council certified Washi makers. With an entire line of products, including processed paper, regular paper, and Washi food service supplies, we have everything you need to provide diners with authentic utensils that will heighten their dining enjoyment.

Washi Paper Manufacturer

Washi Paper Manufacturing

Washi paper is simultaneously a traditional Japanese cultural heritage and one of the best modern paper solutions for a wide range of commercial printing needs today. How is this possible? The answer has everything to do with the materials and the manufacturing process.

Traditional Manufacturing

For centuries, since about 610 CE, Washi paper was made by hand through a traditional process that incorporated textile-like aspects.

As a result, Washi paper that has entered history as a priceless Japanese cultural heritage, renowned for its luxurious textures and for its beauty and strength. As beautiful and remarkable as Washi paper is, though, the process of manufacturing it was labor-intensive and could not keep up with supplying a modern mass market.

Given this, a number of companies sought an alternative. They wanted a modern process that would capture the beauty, the strength, and the wonderful textures of Washi paper while also being economical enough for production and consumption on the world market.

Washi handmade paper

Successful Mass Production

One of these companies was Edofiber’s own parent company, Nagai Paper Store. Through much effort, Nagai developed a way to successfully mass-produce Washi paper which managed to combine the beauty, strength, and unique textures of traditional Washi paper with the efficiency of modern production methods.

The result is a line of Washi paper products which collectively exist in a sort of harmonious fusion between the past and the present. They are at the same time a testament to the enduring legacy of the past, the Washi paper that was originally introduced by Buddhist monks in the 7th century, and the present, being an effective, economical, and beautiful solution to everything from digital printing to office stationery to gift boxes and so much more.

Washi paper can solve a wide range of office needs. However, it is a good idea to partner with an expert in Washi paper production. Here, Edofiber is unequaled: we won the coveted Yokozuna Award for best-quality Tesuki Hosyo Washi paper. We have the best Washi paper on the market.

Also, thanks to our parent company Nagai Paper Store, we have relationships of long standing with the three remaining Washi manufacturers still active on the island of Shikoku.

Thanks to these relationships, we are very effective at delivering a wide range of Washi paper solutions, including customized products. We know how to efficiently communicate customer needs for even very small-run projects.

There are also very different kinds of Washi for very different projects and needs.

Types of Washi Paper

Traditionally, Washi paper is manufactured using kozo and mitsumata and the wild gampi, but these three plants produce three quite different types of Washi.

In each case, the manufacturing process is much the same. All three plants are woody shrubs, and in each case the process starts with steaming the branches to make it easier to strip off the bark.

The bark has the fibers that become the basis for the Washi paper itself, and the characteristics of the bark fibers therefore determine the characteristics of the Washi.

Kozo Washi, for example, is the most common type of Washi paper. People who know Washi generally regard it as the ‘typical’ Washi paper, and it is in some sense representative of what Washi generally is supposed to be: strong, durable, and possessed of wonderfully luxurious textures with a great ability to absorb ink, making for crisper, fuller text and colors.

Mitsumata Washi is much more delicate and elastic. If you are looking for Washi for a calligraphic project or for printing paper, this is easily your best bet. It is glossy and absolutely beautiful.

Gampi Washi is made from the wild gampi plant. It is especially good at taking colors from dyes and from infusions, and this lends it to use for envelopes, stationery, postcards, business cards, and colored papers.

These three types of Washi paper cover many different printing uses. Let us examine a few of the options for printing with Washi paper.

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Washi Paper Printing Options

Edofiber has many printing solutions for Washi. The different solutions cover very different needs.

Letterpress printing, for example, is an Edofiber specialty. The result is high-quality printing that looks like an old-style woodcut printing job. Woodcuts were literally made by carving a block of wood to provide the printing design, and it is these exquisite results that letterpress printing recaptures.

Some printing jobs require high-definition offset printing. This is another thing Edofiber can do with Washi paper. Thin paper printing is another option, one which is complex and tricky with any paper but especially so with Washi.

Some printing jobs call for seals – think of the seals on official documents, i.e. university diplomas, awards, certain company letterhead, and more.

This too is a very practical application for Washi paper, both because of its strength and because it is highly absorbent of ink. Seal printing is of especially high quality when it is done on Washi paper.

Lamination is another option with Washi. In some cases you may need a Washi paper product that is water-resistant. Here it is interesting to note that Washi has historically been famous for its water resistance: during the Edo period (1603-1867), merchants in Osaka used Washi paper account books because, in the event of a fire, they could be thrown into wells to protect them from the flames.

Today we can do much more: including thermal-welding polyethylene or other materials over a Washi product to make it more water-resistant.

Edofiber is Your Source for Washi Paper

Edofiber is a worldwide distributor of Washi paper, and we are always looking for new partnerships to expand our business.

Thanks to our innovative manufacturing processes and high-quality ingredients, our Washi paper is of the highest quality.

We offer a wide range of very high-quality Washi paper products which can serve a wide variety of commercial printing solutions. With different raw materials and different processes, we have produced many different Washi papers for many different purposes. We also have a variety of printing options to suit your needs.

To further explore the advantages of our Washi paper, please contact Edofiber for samples and business terms.